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Rayne Mayor Chuck Robichaux and Crowley Mayor Chad Monceaux met recently.  During the meeting, Mayor Robichaux stepped out to sign a proclamation for the upcoming Rayne High School Homecoming celebrations.  Mayor Monceaux was invited to join the signing where he was introduced to the Homecoming Court, RHS Faculty and Coach Kaine Guidry.  Mayor Robichaux is known for having good clean fun and a bet was made between the two Mayors about the Rayne vs Crowley game and here is  Mayor Monceaux proudly wearing an RHS spirit shirt.  Better luck next year Mayor Monceaux. 

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Fast N Furious Track Club member, Kai Thomas qualified for 3 events for the AAU Jr. Olympics. Kai is the son of Jessica Sias and Rodney Thomas and is a 3rd grader at Martin Petitjean Elementary.  Congrats Kai!

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Rayne hosts LMA Distrtict G Meeting.  Mayor Robichaux re-elected as Vice President.  District G includes the parishes of Acadia, Calcasieu, Iberia, Allen, Vermilion and Jeff Davis. The LMA is a statewide member organization that advocates for all 303 municipalities and 26 parishes to strengthen community development.

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WoodmenLife Rayne Chapter 31 hosted a Flag Day Program on June 14, 2023 at the Rayne Veterans Park.

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June 13, 2023 two new Louisiana Historical Markers unveiled and officially dedicated.  Businesses recognized were People's Drug Store (201 E Louisiana Ave) and Louisiana Frog Company (702 South Adams Avenue)

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2023 Annual Children's Fishing Derby

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New MLK Center is open!

On April 14, 2023, an Opening ceremony was held, including ribbon cutting and official U.S. Flag raising
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Congratulations to Deyton of the Rayne Wresting Club.  First female national champion for R.H.S.
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