City Hall
Mayor Charles E. "Chuck" Robichaux

The Mayor's office is located at City Hall.
Mayor Robichaux was elected into office on November 4, 2014.
City Clerk Angelique N. Breaux

City Hall-Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Physical Address:
801 The Boulevard
Rayne, LA 70578
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 69
Rayne, LA 70578
Any PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST will be accepted via a written request to the following:
Email - shelly.daigle@rayne.org
or through regular U.S. Postal Service:
City of Rayne,
Attn: City Clerk
P.O. Box 69
Rayne, LA 70578
Crash Reports can be obtained through the Police Department at:
Phone - 337-334-4215
Email - raynepd@rayne.org
Mail - Rayne Police Dept
Attn: Crash Reports
PO Box 69
Rayne, LA 70578

Click Here to see City Council Meeting Minutes.
Click Here to pay your Utility Bill